Marbled Gecko Care






Marbled geckos are a small flighty lizard and are not easily handled; they will drop their tails when frightened. Therefore they are much better as a display pet. The Marbled Gecko is a master climber, due to the lamanae on their toes. Their tan-grey colour mixed with white and black spots give them their marbled appearance.



Marbled geckos do not require any heating at all especially if kept inside, the ambient air temperature inside your house is usually fine, although a small area of the tank bottom may have a heat mat or a low wattage heat bulb (25w-50w) can be provided in order to keep them more active during winter, breeding animals should be cooled in winter to incite natural behaviours. Although they prefer a dryer enclosure when compared to rainforest species slight humidity should be maintained by providing a water bowl and lightly spraying their enclosure 1-2 times a week, this can help prevent sloughing (shedding) problems.
-No heating needed

-Subtle heat can be provided
-Humidity must be maintained











Marbled geckos are arboreal and therefore require a vertically orientated enclosure with branches, fake plants or other suitable climbing structures. I would recommend any 30 wide-30 deep-45cm high terrarium to suit up to three geckos as long as it has ventilation and is escape proof. Remember they can climb glass!

- high enclosure
- climbing structures

- escape proof


Provide at least one small -They like to squeeze into gaps- hide for each enclosure inhabitant. Purpose built reptile hides can be used however bark, wood even some plants also make excellent hides. At least a small water bowl should always be provided. Most substrates are applicable: coco/coir peat can be used or fine sand, a mix of coco peat and sand is preferred by many, any other natural substrate that will not affect the geckos respiratory or digestive system could potentially be used. Dusty or toxic substrates such as pine chips can cause respiratory problems and coarse grain sand or gravel can cause impaction thus I would avoid these.
-Provide hides
-Most substates can be used


Small crickets are most people’s choice of staple food for marbled geckos as woodies are good at escaping and can be hard for them to catch and mealworms are fatty and have been reported to eat through the stomachs of lizards or cause impaction. Relative size crickets can be fed -dusted with calcium most feeds- about 1-2 times a week and only feed again when all of the crickets are eaten.
- Crickets are ideal
- Should be dusted with a calcium supplement









Some things to keep in mind when considering acquiring a marbled gecko include:
- They are nocturnal and would suit someone who is awake during the lizards active period.

- They will tolerate some handling however it will cause stress and should only happen if necessary. They are not handleable animals.

- It is illegal to keep any wild native animal, If you have caught one carefully release it where you found it and if you are still interested in keeping Marbled geckos acquire a suitable enclosure and buy an animal from a licenced breeder or store.


 Marbled geckos make great easy to care for pets, and I highly recommend them because they are wonderful, secretive and fascinating creatures. Read around on more care sheets for more information to ensure you have sound information, as this care sheet is based on my own experience and knowledge which may differ to that of yours or others.

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