Angle Headed Dragon Care





The southern angle-headed dragon has a large and continuous nuchal crest with a moderately large vertebral crest. The angular brow is pronounced on both adults and juveniles. The snout to vent length is around 110 to 150 mm (4.3 to 5.9 in), additionally there is a long tail which takes the total length to 350 mm (14 in).

The colour varies from shades of brown, grey and green. Patterns where present consist of various irregular mottling, blotches and variegations.



As arboreal lizards, Southern Angle-Headed Dragons (Hypsilurus spinipes) need an enclosure which is higher rather than wide. A cage around 60cm wide, 40cm deep and 90cm high would be ideal for a male and one or two females. Provide plenty of climbing supports especially vertical branches around 4-6cm in diameter preferably with a rough bark to provide extra grip for the climbing lizards. Artificial plants are a good option as they provide extra cover yet don't deteriorate under the low light levels required by these lizards. Outdoor enclosures work well for angle-heads provided they are located in a sheltered and shady position.






A low (5-7%) UV fluorescent tube or compact bulb is all that is required for light and as long as the cage stays around 20-28°C over the warmer months no additional heat is required. In fact it is important to ensure the dragon's enclosure doesn't exceed 34-35°C for any extended period otherwise heat stress may be potentially fatal. Humidity is also important for these damp forest inhabitants so a water bowl and regular spraying of the enclosure are essential. Using a substrate that retains moisture such as cocopeat will help with this. Humidity level is 60-65%.



Southern Angle-Headed Dragons are insectivores and will eat a wide range of live foods such as crickets, woodies and meal worms (to be only given as treats) of appropriate size (5-7 pieces per head 2-3 times a week depending on the animals’ appetite and physical state). Along with insects we always offer finely chopped salad mix consisting of: Chinese cabbage, salad, arugula, basil, carrots, sweet pepper, dandelions. Salad is dusted with calcium powder.


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